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全球气候基本类型可分由赤道多雨气候(又称热带雨林气候)、新风湿润气候(又称副热带湿润气候或温带湿润气候)、温带沙漠气候、温带草原气候、副极地大陆气候和冰原气候等。 周淑贞认为,世界气候分类应从发生学的观点出发,综合考虑气候形成的诸因子,同时也应从生产实践观点出发,取与人类生活和生产建设密切相关的要素来进行分类。气候带与气候型的名称应以气候条件本身来确定。按照上述原则,周淑贞以斯查勒气候分类法为基础,加以适当修改,主要是增加了季风气候类型,将全球气候分为3个气候带、16个气候型,另列高地气候一大类










分布在纬度10°到回归线附近的亚洲大陆东南部,如我国台湾南部、雷州半岛和海南岛,中南半岛,印度半岛大部,菲律宾,澳大利亚北部沿海等地。这里热带季风发达,一年中风向的季节变化明显。在热带大陆气团控制时,降水稀少。而当赤道气团控制时,降水丰沛,又有大量的热带气旋雨,年降水量多,一般在1500~2000mm,集中在 6~10月(北半球)。全年高温,年平均气温在20℃以上,年较差在3~10℃左右,春秋极短。




气候变化引起全球关注英文是:Climate change causes global concern.




其间经历过温暖期与寒冷期、干期与湿期的交替变化过程,全球不同地区既有同步变化,又有反向变化;现代气候变化的尺度100~101年, 利用系统的气象记录研究。一般认为从19世纪末到20世纪上半叶,北半球广大地区气候回暖,尤其是北极和高纬度地区,气温上升显著,而南半球变化不大,到1940年前后变暖现象达到高峰,以后即开始变冷。气候变化的原因很复杂。

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表示气象条件:例如,"The weather is sunny today."(今天天气晴朗。)

作为动词的一部分:例如,"The house has weathered many storms."(这座房子经历了许多风雨。)



2.天气预报(Weather forecast):通过收集、分析和解释气象数据和信息,以预测未来一段时间内的天气状况。




1.询问天气:例如,"What's the weather like today?"(今天天气如何?)

2.描述天气:例如,"It's raining heily."(正在下大雨。)

3.讨论天气变化:例如,"The weather is getting colder."(天气越来越冷了。)






The global climate negotiations in Copenhagen produced neither a grand success nor the complete meltdown that seemed almost certain as late as Friday afternoon.


Despite two years of advance work, the meeting failed to convert a rare gathering of world leaders into an ambitious, legally binding action plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 尽管有两年的前期准备工作,会议还是没能将罕有的世界各国***的聚会转化成一份雄心勃勃且具有法律约束力的减少温室气体排放行动。

It produced instead a softer interim accord that, at least in principle, would curb greenhouses gases, provide ways to verify countries’ emissions, se rain forests, shield vulnerable nations from the impacts of climate change, and share the costs. 相反,会议只是提出了一份温和的临时性协议。不过原则上,该协议可以遏制温室气体的排放,为核查不同国家的气体排放,为拯救热带雨林和保护易受气候变化影响的国家提供不同的途径并且承担相应的责任。

The hard work has only begun, in Washington and elsewhere. 对于美国和其他国家,艰巨的任务才刚刚开始。

But Copenhagen’s achievements are not trivial, given the complexity of the issue and the differences among rich and poor countries. 但考虑到该议题的复杂性,考虑到富国和穷国之间的差异,哥本哈根会议的成就并不是那么微小。

President Obama deserves much of the credit. 总统功不可没。

He arrived as the talks were collapsing, spent 13 hours in nonstop negotiations and played hardball with the Chinese. 他在会谈即将崩溃时出现,13个小时马不停蹄地有各国协商,并与中方打交道时表现强硬。

With time running out — and with the help of China, India, Brazil and South Africa — he forged an agreement that all but a handful of the 193 nations on hand accepted.


Mr. Obama aside, there were two keys to the deal. One was a dramatic offer of $100 billion in aid from the industrialized nations to poorer countries to help them move to less-polluting sources of energy and to deal with drought and other consequences of warming. The offer had an instant soothing effect on many poorer nations that had been threatening to walk out all week.除了,该协议能够出台还有两个关键。一是,工业化国家将向发展中国家提供1000亿美元的援助,帮助发展中国家转变使用污染程度更低的能源,帮助处理干旱和其他由全球变暖产生的问题。 该提议在很多发展中国家中产生了立竿见影的缓和效果,其中,很多发展中国家都威胁准备退出此次会议。

哥们,你哪里搞来的啊? 这好像是美国报刊上的吧? 全是站在美国人的角度,吹捧自己的。


1、气候变暖 :climate warming

2、臭氧层破坏:ozone depletion

3、生物多样性减少:biodiversity decrease

4、酸雨蔓延:acid rain spread

5、森林锐减 :forest plummeted

6、土地荒漠化:land desertification

7、大气污染 :air pollution

8、水体污染:water pollution

9、海洋污染:Marine pollution

10、固体废物污染:solid waste pollution


greenhouse gas(温室气体)

emissions of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳排放)

climate change(气候变化)

global warming(全球变暖)

carbon capture and storage(碳捕获和存储)

碳减排 carbon emission reduction

greenhouse gas emission(温室气体排放)

energy demand(能源需求)

energy consumption(能耗)

污水治理 sewage treatment

“工业污水”industrial sewage


可再生能源 renewable energy


low-carbon economy(低碳经济)和circular economy(循环经济)

sustainable development(可持续发展)

green technology(绿色科技)

environment-friendly technology(环保技术)

carbon dioxide emission(二氧化碳排放量)


nuclear power(核能)


可燃冰 flammable ice

自然保护区 nature reserve

无车日 car-free day

Copenhagen Jargon 哥本哈根气候大会专用语

Adaptation 适应机制

Adaptation is the term used to refer to the preparations countries will he to make to deal with climate change.

They includes measures such as protecting coastal areas by building sea walls, reforestation to try to prevent flooding, increasing water conservation and changing crops to varieties that flourish in warmer climates

Annex 1 附件一国家

The world's 37 richest countries, whose prosperity has been built on emitting carbon, as opposed to non-Annex 1, roughly categorised as blameless victims

CCS 碳捕获和封存

Carbon Capture and Storage technology

CDM 清洁发展机制

Clean Development Mechanism which enables wealthy countries to offset their emissions by funding pollution-cutting measures in the developing world

COP15 第15次缔约方大会

The official name of the Copenhagen climate change summit — the 15th Conference of the Parties


Climate Vulnerable Forum, the 11 nations most vulnerable to climate change, including Bangladesh and the Maldives.

IPCC 联合国间气候变化专门委员会

Interal Panel on Climate Change, the all-important scientific body that advises the UN's climate negotiations

LDCF -最不发达国家基金

Least Developed Countries Fund, established to finance climate change intiatives in poorer countries

MEF 经济大国能源和气候论坛

Major Economies' Forum, launched by President Barack Obama to help generate the politcal leadership necessary to achieve a successful outcome in Copenhagen.

UNFCCC 联合国气候变化框架公约

The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, a standing convention of officials and diplomats haggling over every comma of the final negotiating text.

Things we are talking about:

Carbon budgets 碳预算

Carbon tax 碳税

Carbon footprint 碳足迹

A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities, usually expressed in equivalent tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).

Carbon intensity 碳强度

Low-carbon technology 低碳技术

Low-carbon development/growth 低碳发展

Low-carbon lifestyle 低碳生活方式

Switch to a "low-carbon economy" 发展“低碳经济”

Carbon intensive goods 碳密集产品

What we need:

污水治理 sewage treatment

生态旅游 ecotourism

无车日 car-free day

Low-carbon alternatives:

可再生能源 renewable energy

绿色“生物燃料” biofuel

馏出燃料 Distillate fuel

地热 ground-source heat

液化天然气 liquefied natural gas

可燃冰 flammable ice

Geo-engineering 地球工程:

Geo-engineering methods are ways of artificially cooling the planet and offset the effects of climate change

The simplest of these is to plant forests but “artificial trees” are also being developed to suck up carbon. Other methods include launching giant mirrors into space to reflect back sunlight. There are also ongoing experiments in creating clouds by spraying sea water in the air and storing carbon dioxide underground.

What we are facing:

Plight 困境

Bad carbon scenario 令人忧心的碳排放状况

A climate de 亏欠地球、亏欠大自然的重债

Ship hazards 漂浮的冰山造成的威胁

What all these mean to us:

A wake-up call 警钟已经响起,环保迫在眉睫


Global warming will lead to climate disasters, caused by various natural and manmade disasters. Such as: With increasing global warming, it's survival of the nutritional content of crops may be less and less. This is the comprehensive study of the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide increased the impact of the crops after the conclusion drawn.

A new Britain, "New Scientist" magazine reported that the University of Texas Southwestern researchers in this analysis showed that global warming will not only lead to floods and drought, so that crop production, the crop will survive because of the atmosphere The concentration of carbon dioxide he increased less protein. The researchers said that this result is worrying, because many people in poor countries he access to about half of the proteins dependent on these crops.

Abnormal weather this winter, has aroused unprecedented attention of world public opinion. This allows people to suddenly feel that the abnormal climate eared frequently, so that humanity is in danger, thought that human beings can control the start Zuolibuan nature. Climate warming is what brought the scourge to mankind ? First, water supply and demand conflicts intensified: global warming lead to changes in precipitation, the global water supply and demand contradictions even more obvious. Second, the increasing threat of natural disasters: tropical storm and hurricane frequency and intensity are likely to increase. Third, the fate of island worrying: Earth polarized melting snow lead to rising sea levels, many islands will be inundated, some island nations may no longer exist. Fourth, the summer heat we frequency are: report showed that, if the erage global temperature rose 3 degrees Celsius, the heat we hit North America the number will increase 3-8 times. Fifth, the biological chain disruption: biological species will lead to changes in the scope of the resettlement areas and the biological chain to move out of chaos. 6 infectious disease is rampant: through many insects, food and water-borne infectious diseases will expand the scope of the spread. Seventh, the economic development of Mengyin Ying: According to statistics, the 1990s, the major meteorological disasters caused by an erage annual economic losses from the 1960s, the 4 billion U.S. dollars surged to 29 billion U.S. dollars, human suffering from global warming problem, which has become Mankind must face the reality.

Caused climate warming is the cause of human progress, science and technology development, the improvement of living standards, said it will be difficult to understand some people. With the scientific understanding of global warming on the deepening of the human awareness of global warming is gradually strengthened, global warming has seriously affected the quality of human life and threaten human security. We can not take it lightly, the insensitive. Whether for themselves or for the sake of future generations, we should actively deal with and seek effective solutions. The ancients are "first world to enjoy music, after the world to show concern and worry" of the mind, let alone the 21st century people.

Although the human warming can not be around, but it is, after all, caused by human activities. If mankind on earth are greatly reduce the emission of pollutants, and can use various ways to reduce energy consumption, promote new energy technologies, can affect the entire planet in some areas and changes to reduce the occurrence of disastrous weather. Controlling greenhouse gas emissions can actually start from a number of minor issues, such as trel by plane at least in the newspapers, while driving without non-essential things, and so on. Greenhouse gas emission reduction, and everyone on the planet's environment, these minor issues may be small, but we all should "not small and not good for."

Deal with global warming, the development of mankind, to get early warning of climate catastrophe Huaxianweiyi ? There is no dou, only to change development concept and learn to coexist with nature and the market, and safeguard the Earth for the survival of mankind to achieve sustainable development, climate risk of early warning can be reversed. As the survival of mankind on earth, should assume the responsibility of safeguarding the Earth home. Faced with global warming caused by the environmental situation, China experts and scholars at all levels of with great concern and attention, from different angles by various response measures, in order to solve the problem of global warming find ways. However, China's environmental protection a long way to go, we should be building and harmonic society, to achieve sustainable development of the high level of awareness of the problem and seek a better solution to deal with climate change issues to promote China's sustainable development to become one of the engines.

气候分析英文是climate analysis。


1.So this profile from the clothing style, the way they dress, climate analysis of clothing form of universal, climate and clothing come in the form of a general sense of an inevitable link. 所以本文从服装廓形款式、穿着方式等角度分析气候对服装形式的普遍影响,得出气候与服装形式在一般意义上的必然联系。

2.The analysis shows that plastics, particularly those that break down fast, are contributing to the climate change. 分析表明,塑料正在导致气候变化,尤其是那些快速分解的塑料。

3.For more detailed analysis of the environmental aspect of the five-year plan, see blogs and reports by Barbara Fennimore of the National Resources Defence Council and Wu Changhua of the Climate Group. 关于五年环境方面的更加详细的分析,请看国家防卫署的芭芭拉·菲尼莫和气候组织吴昌华的博客和相关报道。

4.The us, which has the world's largest share of overall production, stood out in the analysis because it ears to he lost no production to climate change as yet. 美国占有着全球总产量的最大份额,并在这次的分析中脱颖而出,因为它并没有因为气候变化而减产。

5.That analysis will include the creeping realisation that climate negotiations are not really negotiations between nations at all. 这个分析报告会包含人们逐渐觉醒的意识——气候谈判实际上不是所有国家之间的谈判。

6.Subsequent genetic analysis back at the lab showed that they are new species in their own right but looked alike because they had adapted to similar climate and geographical conditions. 随后的在实验室进行的基因分析表明他们拥有各自的特性,属于新物种。但是因为他们已经适应了相似的气候和地理条件,所以它们看起来很像。